Table-driven tests

Table-driven tests allow for a declarative approach to writing tests, and is useful to test many different variations of some feature with as little boilerplate as possible.

For example, consider the following test suite that tests a Fibonacci function:

class FibonacciTest extends TestSuite with State[TableState]:
  "The Fibonacci function" usingTable (examples) to :
    "works" in :
      example =>

  def examples = Seq(
    FibonacciExample(0, 0),
    FibonacciExample(1, 1),
    FibonacciExample(2, 1),
    FibonacciExample(3, 2),
    FibonacciExample(12, 144)

  def F(n: Int): Int = ... // implemented elsewhere

case class FibonacciExample(n: Int, expected: Int):
  override def toString = s"Fn($n) = $expected"

Intent will run the test code for each example returned by the examples method. This makes it easy to adjust examples and add new ones.

The exact syntax for table-driven tests may change in a future release. The current syntax results in test output that is a bit noisy.